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The Nook: An Inaugural Introduction Inspired by my pal and once-colleague in the trenches of...
2023年11月19日 ·
Shhhh, shhh. Shh. Hush. I know. It's okay. Floaty Hippo will still be there. I've been making...
2023年8月15日 ·
Easy. Take an unemployed game developer, currently between non-competes, who needs to show off...
2023年2月27日 ·
"Sculptober" is a month-long prompt-based 3D modeling challenge that takes place every October....
This is, by far, the most common type of message I get in my LinkedIn inbox — followed by...
2022年2月16日 ·
Who, me? My qualifications? Sixteen years in the games industry, the last 8 of which have been...
Behold, the fruits of some 10 hours of YouTube tutorials: Smooth glass cup... suspiciously too...